S5 | 368: What Exactly is Good CX? with Ginger Conlon, Genesys

About the Episode

The state of customer experience is continually changing, as brands increasingly compete based on the experience they can deliver to their customers across channels, and across the customer journey. The winners in this race gain new customers through reputation and word of mouth, retain existing customers through loyalty and increased customer lifetime, and those who struggle to keep up can sometimes face an ever-widening gap in experience maturity.

Genesys, a leading provider of customer experience and call center technology platforms, recently released its State of CX 2023 report, and today I’m going to discuss some of the most striking findings with one of its contributors.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Ginger Conlon, Thought Leadership Director and Customer Experience Advocate at Genesys.

About Ginger Conlon

Ginger Conlon is Thought Leadership Director at Genesys. She is an award-winning editorial leader who has covered CX and marketing for the majority of her career, Ginger Conlon is currently thought leadership director at Genesys and co-host of its Tech Talks in 20 podcast. Additionally, she serves on the Environmental Defense Fund’s Digital Advisory Council. In her prior roles as chief editor of Direct Marketing News, 1to1, and CRM magazines, she set the editorial vision and strategy, which led to increased readership, reader engagement, and revenue. She’s a sought-after speaker and has been cited on several lists of notable industry insiders to follow on social media. Ginger received a DMCNY Silver Apple lifetime achievement award for her contributions to the marketing industry.


Genesys State of CX report: https://www.genesys.com/resources/state-of-cx

Genesys website: https://www.genesys.com

The Agile Brand podcast website: https://www.gregkihlstrom.com/theagilebrandpodcast

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For consulting on marketing technology, customer experience, and more visit GK5A: https://www.gk5a.com The Agile Brand podcast is brought to you by TEKsystems.Learn more here: https://www.teksystems.com/versionnextnow

The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content. https://www.missinglink.company

Ginger Conlon, Thought Leadership Director, Genesys


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