Destination CRM: House of the Customer by Greg Kihlström is Required Reading

The following is an excerpt from the article on Destination CRM. Read the full article here.

Required Reading: Follow This Blueprint to Build Company and Customer Experiences

In his 11th book, House of the Customer, Greg Kihlström, principal and chief strategist at GK5A, furnishes a blueprint for building a customer-first, employee-driven company that aligns people, processes, and platforms. In this interview with Kihlström, CRM editor Leonard Klie uncovers how building a customer- and employee-focused company is like constructing a house.

CRM: What does it mean to be customer-first and employee-driven? Can companies really focus on both the employee and the customer?

Kihlström: At first the two can seem contradictory. However, with the right leadership support and incentives, the two can work together and reinforce one another.

First, it takes leaders who understand that actions speak louder than words. Leaders need to set the vision, support their teams, and prioritize customer- and employee-centric initiatives Then, employees need to reset their job expectations and roles around serving customers. Improved customer experience has to be directly relevant to employees so it becomes a motivator as they strive to succeed.

This is an excerpt from the article on Destination CRM. Read the full article here.


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